There are several reasons you should choose Autohaus to have all your services performed. First, most of today’s luxury import segments use very specific coolants and lubricants. Most oil change specialty shops, or big box franchise repair shops use generic, “one size fits all” fluids to boost profits. This is usually not in the best interest of your vehicle. At Autohaus, we stock manufacturer approved products to protect your investment!
If your car has mileage based service intervals, be aware that any shop who has “30K-60K-90K” service prices posted on a menu board at the counter is also using a “one size fits’ all” strategy that could be omitting one or more important items required by your vehicle manufacturer. Or maybe even worse, performing unnecessary work.
At Autohaus, we always begin your service with a printout of factory recommendations for your specific make and model. If we think something on that list might be excessive, we will let you know. For example, BMW recommends replacing all 4 oxygen sensors at 100,000 miles, to the tune of approximately $2000.00. We advise waiting until one fails, then replacing the single failed sensor. Yes they will all eventually fail, but we see oxygen sensors that last 150,000 miles or more all the time. Why incur the expense, if it isn’t necessary? Our experience saves you $$!